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England and Wales Cases

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# (A Child) [2010] EWMC 75 (FPC) (2010)      -----      1-6 Lansdowne Court
1-6 Moorcourt Moorcourt      -----      4 Southall Court
4 Southampton Road      -----      8 Pluto Road
8 Portland Place      -----      12 Nova Court
12 Oats Royd      -----      17 Winyate Hill
17 Wood Lane      -----      23A Primrose Gardens
23B & 23C      -----      32 Henryson Road
32 Howard Road      -----      42-48 Bell Street
42A Commercial Road      -----      57 Witcombe Point
57/59 Kitchener Road      -----      82 Frobisher Approach
82 Oxford House      -----      124 Queens Gate
124 Wrottesley Road      -----      341 Langsett Road
343 Langsett Road      -----      889457 Alberta Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A v B      -----      A And B
A and B      -----      A v Enskat
A v Essex      -----      A Mother v A Father [2024]
A Mother v A Father (Re      -----      AAA & Ors
AAA v A      -----      Abbas, R (On
Abbas v Secretary      -----      Absolute Living Developments Ltd v DS7 Ltd & Ors [2018] EWHC 1432
Absolute Living Developments Ltd v DS7 Ltd & Ors [2018] EWHC 1717      -----      Adaptive Spectrum and Signal Alignment Inc v British Telecommunications Plc [2014] EWCA Civ 1462
Adaptive Spectrum and Signal Alignment Inc v British Telecommunications Plc [2014] EWCA Civ 1513      -----      Afolabi, R. v [2009]
Afolabi, R. v [2024]      -----      Ahmed, R v
Ahmed, R. v      -----      Akhtar v Boland [2014] EWCA Civ 872
Akhtar v Boland [2014] EWCA Civ 943      -----      Aldergate Projects Ltd,
Aldergate Properties Ltd      -----      Ali v The
Ali v Washwood      -----      Almond & Ors
Almuhairi & Anor,      -----      Amerisur Resources Plc,
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech      -----      Andrewes, R. v
Andrews & Anor      -----      Apartment 5 Goodman
Apartment 5 Heron      -----      Argenio v NEC Group Ltd
Argenio v NEC Group Ltd.      -----      A's Application For
AS (Bangladesh), R      -----      Asprey & Garrard
Asprey Capital Ltd      -----      Attobrah v Secretary
Attorney General v      -----      Attwood v Maidment
Atugonza v Secretary      -----      Axis Football Investments
Axis M&E UK      -----      Azzurri Communications Ltd
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B v Cager      -----      B v P [2022]
B v P (Children's      -----      Bailey, Application for
Bailey v Bailey      -----      Banca Generali SPA v CFE
Banca Generali SPA v Sovereign      -----      Barclays Bank Plc v Christie
Barclays Bank Plc v Dylan      -----      Barrett & Ors
Barrett & Ors,      -----      Bates, R. v [2006]
Bates, R. v [2020]      -----      Beaumont Court 36
Beaumont v Herefordshire      -----      Benabbas, R. v
Benabbou, R. v      -----      BES Commercial Electricity Ltd & Ors v Cheshire West & Chester Council [2021] EWHC 3187
BES Commercial Electricity Ltd & Ors v Cheshire West & Chester Council [2021] EWHC 2820      -----      Biffa Waste Services Ltd
Biffa Waste Services Ltd,      -----      Bishop v Golstein
Bishop v Public      -----      BLS, R. v
Blue v Ashley      -----      Bonham & Anor v Fishwick & Anor [2007]
Bonham & Anor v Fishwick & Anor [2008]      -----      Bowen-West v Secretary
Bower V Brewdog      -----      Bramston v Haut [2012] EWCA
Bramston v Haut [2012] EWHC      -----      Brighton & Hove City Council
Brighton & Hove City Council,      -----      Brittany Court New
Britton, Application for      -----      Brown, R. v [2023] EWCA Crim 1197
Brown, R. v [2023] EWCA Crim 1216      -----      Build Hollywood Ltd
Build-A-Bear Workshop UK      -----      Busby v Berkshire
Busby, R. v      -----      BZQ v Overijssel
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C v B      -----      C (Judgment) [2014]
C v K      -----      Calderdale Metropolitan Borough
Caldero Trading Ltd      -----      Canning v Irwin
Canning v Northhampton      -----      Carr v Bower Cotton [2002]
Carr v Bower Cotton (A      -----      Cavanaugh v Folsana
Cave v Borax      -----      CFP Independent Advisers
CFPH LLC, Patent      -----      Charles M Willie
Charles v Mugla      -----      Cheurfa v Secretary
Cheval Bridging Finance      -----      Christopher Linnett Ltd
Christopher Martin Cantelmi      -----      Claims Direct Test Cases
Claims Direct Test Cases,      -----      Cleland v R.
Cleland, R (On      -----      Codd, R. v
Coddington Application for      -----      Commercial Bank of Dubai PSC & Ors v Al Sari & Ors [2024] EWCA
Commercial Bank of Dubai PSC & Ors v Al Sari & Ors [2024] EWHC      -----      Consolidated Finance Ltd
Consort Healthcare (Tameside)      -----      Corbett v Nysir
Corbett, R. v      -----      Courtney Lodge Management
Courtney v Murphy      -----      Credit Lyonnais v
Credit Lyonnais SA      -----      CRS GT Ltd
Crucial Music Corporation      -----      Customs & Excise v British Field
Customs & Excise v British Telecommunications      -----      Czyzyk v Regional
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      Dacorum Borough Council v Horne
Dacorum Borough Council v Purcell      -----      Darnton v Darnton
Darougar v Belcher      -----      Davis & Anor
Davis, Application for      -----      Dearling v Foregate
Dearlove (t/a and      -----      Department of Health,
Department of Health      -----      Dhanji & Anor
Dhanota, R (on      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v Harper
Director of Public Prosecutions v Haw      -----      DNA Productions (Europe) Ltd v Manoukian &
DNA Productions (Europe) Ltd v Manoukian [2008]      -----      Dost Mohammed, R
Dostenko v City      -----      Driver And Vehicle
Driver v Crown      -----      Dunsfold Park Ltd v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Anor [2013]
Dunsfold Park Ltd v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Anor [2014]      -----      Dzuibek v Circuit
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E v E      -----      East-West Logistics LLP
East-West United Bank      -----      Edwards v Parabis
Edwards, R v      -----      Elkington v Director
Elkington, R. v      -----      Energy Works (Hull) Ltd v MW High Tech Projects UK Ltd & Ors [2021]
Energy Works (Hull) Ltd v MW High Tech Projects UK Ltd & Ors [2022]      -----      Esat v Crown
ESB Hotels Ltd,      -----      Evans v CIG
Evans v Eurokey      -----      Ezz, R (on
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F v A      -----      Fairstate Ltd, R
Faisal & Anor      -----      FDA, R (On the Application Of) v Minister
FDA, R (On the Application Of) v The      -----      Finance And Business
Financial Conduct Authority      -----      Fitzpatrick Contractors Ltd
Fitzpatrick, R. v      -----      Flat 2 103
Flat 2 105      -----      Flat 4, St
Flat 4, The      -----      Flat 12 Jefferson
Flat 12 Natasha      -----      Flat A 52
Flat A 58      -----      Flats 7-24 Estuary
Flats 7,8,9,11,12 Magdalene      -----      Foote & Ors,
Footwear Corporation Ltd      -----      Franbar Holdings Ltd v Casualty Plus Ltd &
Franbar Holdings Ltd v Casualty Plus Ltd [2010]      -----      F-S (A Child:
FS Cairo (Nile      -----      FZO v Adams
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G v G      -----      Gaisiance, R (on
Gajewski, Application for      -----      Gasztony, R (on
Gate Gourmet London      -----      General Medical Council v Stone
General Medical Council v Udoye      -----      GI v Secretary
Giambrone & Ors      -----      Glamorgan v ABC
Glanda v Polish      -----      Go Outdoors Ltd
GO, R v      -----      Goodman v Walker
Goodmans Autos Ltd      -----      Graiseley Properties Ltd
Graman, R. v      -----      Green, R. v
Green, R (on      -----      Grimm v Government
Grimm v Newman      -----      Gujra v Roath
Gul v McDonagh      -----      Gzimaila v Prosecutor
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H v B      -----      HA (A Child)
HA (A Child),      -----      Hall, R (on the application of) v Secretary
Hall, R (on the application of) v University      -----      Hanif & Anor,
Hanif, R. v      -----      Harris, Application for Reconsideration by,
Harris, Application for Reconsideration by      -----      Hassan v Secretary Of
Hassan v Secretary of      -----      HE v Secretary
Head v The      -----      Henry Boot Construction v
Henry Boot Construction Ltd.      -----      Hickman, R v
Hickman, R (on      -----      Historic Buildings And
Historic Buildings Monuments      -----      Ho v Bragg
HO v TL      -----      Home Group Ltd
Home Insurance Company,      -----      Hourani v Thomson
Hourigan v Secretary      -----      Hudson v Secretary of State for Education &
Hudson v Secretary of State for Education and      -----      Hurstwood Developments Ltd
Husain, R (on      -----      HZ & Ors,
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor,      -----      Ilenotuma v Teaching
Iles v Iles      -----      Innes v Information
Innes, R (on      -----      Iqbal, R (On
Iqbal v Solicitors      -----      Izegbu v Law
Izzet & Anor      -----      Izzet & Anor
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J v E      -----      Jabeen v Lloyds
Jaber v Al      -----      Jamp Pharma Corporation
Jamshidi, R (on      -----      Jemma Trust Company Ltd.
Jemma Trust Company Ltd      -----      Jodka, R (on
Joe (a child)      -----      Jones & Anor v First Greater Western Ltd [2013]
Jones & Anor v First Greater Western Ltd [2014]      -----      Joy v Joy [2015]
Joy v Joy [2019]      -----      Juul v Chief
JUUL Labs, Inc.      -----      JZ v Secretary
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K v W      -----      Kadir, R (On
Kadre v Government      -----      Kaur & Anor,
Kaur & Anor      -----      Kelly & Ors,
Kelly & Ors      -----      KG Bominflot Bunkergesellschaft
KG (Capacity) [2021]      -----      Khyam, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Justice [2022]
Khyam, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Justice [2023]      -----      Kirbys Flats East
Kirchanov & Ors      -----      Kobierowski v Poland
Kobir, R (on      -----      Kricka v County
Krippendorf, R (on      -----      Kyzuna Investments Ltd.
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L v S      -----      Laib v Aravindan
Laidlaw, Application for      -----      Langer v McKeown & Anor [2020]
Langer v McKeown & Anor [2021]      -----      Lazari Properties 2 Ltd &
Lazari Properties 2 Ltd v      -----      Legal Services Commission v Aaronson
Legal Services Commission v Banks      -----      Levolux A T
Levy & Partners      -----      Lilleyman v Lilleyman &
Lilleyman v Lilleyman [2012]      -----      LKH v TQA
LKM v NPM      -----      Lombard North Central Plc & Anor v Airbus
Lombard North Central Plc & Anor v GATX      -----      London Borough of Croydon v S
London Borough of Croydon v Shanahan      -----      London Borough of Sutton v MH
London Borough of Sutton v S      -----      Lott & Ors
Lotus Cars Ltd      -----      Lupu & Ors
Lupu v Bacau      -----      LZL v HYC
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M v B      -----      M v P
M (Placement Order),      -----      Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Inc v      -----      Makeri, R. v
Makers UK Ltd      -----      Manjra v Shaikh
Mankowski, R. v      -----      Markham v Karsten
Markham v O'Hara      -----      Mason v Director
Mason v First      -----      Maynard v Wigan
Maynard-Ellis & Anor,      -----      McDonald v Department
McDonald v McDonald      -----      McLoughlin v Chief
McLoughlin & Ors      -----      Mehari, R (on
Mehdi v Bates      -----      Merseyside Police v Owens
Merseyside Police v Reynolds      -----      Michael Wilson & Partners,
Michael Wilson & Partners      -----      Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2005] EWLVT 348
Midland (1967 Act decisions) [2005] EWLVT 349      -----      Mills, R v [2018]
Mills, R v [2019]      -----      Miyanji v Secretary
Mizen Design/Build Ltd      -----      Mohammed, R v
Mohammed, R. v      -----      Moorgate Industries UK
Moorhead, Application for      -----      Morton Insurance Brokers
Morton v Morton      -----      Mr Nicholas and
MR (Pakistan) &      -----      Mullarkey & Anor
Mullarkey & Ors      -----      Mustafa, R. v
Mustafa, R (On      -----      MZ (Pakistan) v
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N & A      -----      Naseer, R (on
Naseri, R (on      -----      Navigator Equities Ltd & Anor v Deripaska [2024]
Navigator Equities Ltd & Anor v Deripaska [2020]      -----      Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Generics UK Ltd &
Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Generics UK Ltd (t/a      -----      Nicastro, Re Solicitor's
Niche Products Ltd      -----      Nokia Corporation v Interdigital Technology Corporation [2006]
Nokia Corporation v Interdigital Technology Corporation [2007]      -----      Northamptonshire County Council v Daleman [2005]
Northamptonshire County Council v Daleman [2006]      -----      NUA Facades Ltd & Ors v Brady (t/a Terry Brady Developments Ltd)
NUA Facades Ltd & Ors v Brady (t/a Terry Brady Developments Ltd      -----      Nzolameso v City
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O v C      -----      OCC v M
OCC v P      -----      Ojutiku v Manpower
Ok, R (On      -----      Ong & Ors v Ping [2015] EWHC 1742
Ong & Ors v Ping [2015] EWHC 3258      -----      Oshosanya, R. v
Oshungbure & Anor,      -----      Ozturk & Ors,
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P v P      -----      Padda v R.
Padden v Arbuthnot      -----      Parekh v Upper
Parents for Legal      -----      Patel v Mirza
Patel, Modha &      -----      Pearce v (European
Pearce (HM Inspector      -----      Perks, R v
Perlman v Rayden      -----      Phaestos Ltd. &
Phaestos Ltd &      -----      Pilon Ltd v
Pilot Foods Ltd.,      -----      Plunkett, R (on
Plus Dane Housing      -----      Post Office Ltd
Poste Hotels Ltd      -----      Price & Ors v Flitcraft Ltd & Ors [2020]
Price & Ors v Flitcraft Ltd & Ors [2022]      -----      Prospect v Ministry
Prospective Adopters v      -----      PZ v TB
PZ (A child)      -----      PZX (Anonymity Order
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q v Q      -----      QXB v University
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. v Deindre-Labiyi      -----      R (on the application of
R (on the application of)      -----      Rahman, R (on
Rahman v Rahman      -----      Ras Al Khaimah
Rasab, Application to      -----      Re Hastings-Bass, Hastings
Re Hellas Telecommunications      -----      Regen Lab SA
Regency Court Withdean      -----      Revenue and Customs
Revenue And Customs      -----      Richards v Wood
Richards v Worcestershire      -----      RO, R (on
Roach & Ors      -----      Rodriguez-Purcet v Solicitors
Rodriguez-Torres, R (on      -----      Rothesay Life Plc,
Rothon v DPP      -----      RQP v ZYX
RR ( Costs      -----      Ryle, R. v
Ryle, R (On      -----      Rzeczkowski v Provincial
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v S      -----      S, R (on the application of) v London Borough Of
S, R (on the application of) v London Borough of      -----      Saillet, Application for
Sainsbury's Supermarket Plc,      -----      Sandhar v Sandhar
Sandher v Pearson      -----      Savage v London
Savage v Mansfield      -----      School of Business
School of Oriental      -----      Secret Hotels2 Ltd
Secretarial Nominee Co      -----      Secretary of State for the Home Department v Ize-Iyamu
Secretary of State for the Home Department v Javad      -----      Self v Santander
Self, R. v      -----      Shah & Anor
Shah & Ors      -----      Sheffield City Council v M
Sheffield City Council v Mother      -----      Short, Application for
Short v The      -----      Simpson v Simpson
Simpsons (Preston) Ltd      -----      SK, Re [2012]
SK v RR,      -----      Smith & Anor v Howard
Smith & Anor v Michelmores      -----      Smith v The
Smith v Trafford      -----      Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd v Khan & Ors [2022]
Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd v Khan & Ors [2023]      -----      Southern & District
Southern (1967 Act      -----      SPL Private Finance (PF1) IC Ltd & Ors v Arch Financial Products LLP &
SPL Private Finance (PF1) IC Ltd & Ors v Arch Financial Products LLP [2015]      -----      Stacey (t/a the
Stack v Ajar-Tec      -----      Steen v HM
Steenberg & Anor      -----      Stokes-Denson, R. v
Stokoe Partnership Solicitors      -----      Suggitt v Suggitt & Anor [2011]
Suggitt v Suggitt & Anor [2012]      -----      SV, Re [2022]
Svazas v Secretary      -----      Szymanski v Regional
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v B      -----      Taiwo, R. v
Taj, R. v      -----      Taylor v High
Taylor v HMP      -----      Temple Island Collections
Temple Legal Protection      -----      Thayalan, R (on
The 3Million &      -----      The Financial Conduct Authority v Ferreira
The Financial Conduct Authority v Golding      -----      The Lord Chancellor v Blavo
The Lord Chancellor v Charles      -----      The Ridgeway (Oxshott)
The Rise 52-56a      -----      THJ Systems Ltd & Anor v Sheridan & Anor [2023] EWHC
THJ Systems Ltd & Anor v Sheridan & Anor [2023] EWCA      -----      Thum v Thum [2018]
Thum v Thum [2019]      -----      TNS Group Holdings
TNT Express Worldwide      -----      Townsend, R. v [2019]
Townsend, R. v [2021]      -----      Triffitt Nurseries &
Trigg v HM      -----      Turner & Anor v Jordan
Turner & Anor v Pryce      -----      TZA, R (On
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U & Partners(East      -----      Union Music Ltd.
Union Music Ltd      -----      Usman, R. v
Usman, R (on      -----      Uz-Zaman Munim, R
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
V v V      -----      Various Claimants v Nissan
Various Claimants v Scott      -----      Vernon v Spoudeas
Vernon-Kell v Clinch      -----      Voaden v Champion
Voak v London      -----      V-Z (Children), Re
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W v H      -----      Wade & Anor v Active
Wade & Anor v British      -----      Walsh v The
Walsh v Walsh      -----      Waterside Nursery Ltd,
Waterson v Lloyd      -----      Weir & Ors
Weir v Bettison,      -----      Western Power Distribution Investments Ltd,
Western Power Distribution Investments Ltd.      -----      Whitehead, R. v
Whitehead (t/a Patrick      -----      Williams v Williams & Ors [2023]
Williams v Williams & Ors [2024]      -----      Wilson v Commissioner
Wilson Connolly Ltd.,      -----      Wodehouse v Wodehouse
Wodzicki v Wodzicki      -----      Wormald v Ahmed
Wormall v Wormall      -----      WZ, Re (Placement
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      Xanthopoulos v Rakshina [2024]
Xanthopoulos v Rakshina (Re      -----      XZR, Re (Abduction:
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y v Z      -----      Yorkshire Bank Plc
Yorkshire Building Society      -----      YZ, R (On
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v University      -----      Zermani, R (On
Zerom, R (On      -----      ZZZ v Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2019] EWHC 1642 (QB) (26 June 2019)

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