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Scotland Cases

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- - - v - - - [1755] 5 Brn 837 (29 November 1755)      -----      [1677] 3 Brn 179
[1677] 3 Brn 180      -----      3052775 Nova Scotia
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A. & A.      -----      A. v B. [1734] 1
A. v B. [1734] 2      -----      Abbott v. Mitchell
ABBOUD, APPEAL AGAINST      -----      Adams, Re Application
Adams v. The      -----      Ahmed v Her
Ahmed v HM      -----      ALEXANDER & Ors (Scottish
ALEXANDER & Ors AS      -----      Alexander Home of
Alexander Horseburgh, of      -----      Ali v. Andrew
Ali v Andrew      -----      A.N. v Secretary
Anabel Ewing, Relict      -----      Andrew Broomfield v
Andrew Brown against      -----      Anent a Bastard's
Anent a Bond      -----      Ann and Elisabeth
Ann Bain, Petitioner.      -----      APPEAL AGAINST CONVICTON
APPEAL v SENTENCE BY SHAUN      -----      Archibald Stuart v -
Archibald Stuart v John      -----      Athya v. Clydesdale
Atkinson & Wood      -----      Aziz v Whannel
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B. & H.      -----      Balfour Kinnear and
Balfour Melville v.      -----      Baron De Bildt,
Baron de Mauley      -----      Beecham Group Plc
Beecham v. Macgilvray      -----      BERNARD MILLS v.
Bernards Ltd v.      -----      BLACK HORSE LIMITED
Black v. Humphrey      -----      Bonnar v Lyon.
Bonnar v. Roden      -----      Bradford v. More
Bradford, Petitioner (For      -----      BROOKE (AP) AGAINST
Brookes v First      -----      Browne v. Spier's
Browne's Trustee v.      -----      Buchannan v Duncan.
Buchannan v Nairn.      -----      B.Z.A. v The
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C A F      -----      Cameron v -
Cameron & Anor      -----      Campbell v Napier.
Campbell v N'Naughtan.      -----      Captain James Cunningham
Captain James Oswald      -----      Carstairs v Moncreiff.
Carstairs v Moncrief.      -----      Chadwick v. Elderslie
Chakal v. Procurator      -----      Chief Constable, Northern
Chief Constable of      -----      City Inn Ltd v Shepherd Comstruction
City Inn Ltd v Shepherd Construction      -----      Clark v. Procurator
Clark v Quantum      -----      Cochran v Crawfurd.
Cochran v Cunningham.      -----      Colonel Haitlie v
Colonel Hamilton, for      -----      Competition, Creditors of Sir G.
Competition, Creditors of Sir George      -----      Corsan v M'Gowan.
Corsan v M'Gowan      -----      Cowper v. Malcolm
Cowper, Petitioner [1885]      -----      Crawfurd's Trustees v.
Crawfurd's Trustees v      -----      Creditors of Mr Hugh Murray v His
Creditors of Mr Hugh Murray v Miss      -----      Crossan v South
Crosse (Bankes' Executor)      -----      Cunningham v Walker.
Cunningham v Whitefoord.      -----      Cyrus Energy Ltd
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D & H      -----      DARREN O'BRIEN v.
Darren Rollett against      -----      David Rule and Scottish Ministers [2010]
David Rule and Scottish Ministers [2011]      -----      Dean v. Walker
Deans v Abercromby.      -----      Dickison v. The
Dick-Lauder v. Leather-Cully      -----      Doctor Park v
Doctor Paton v      -----      Douglas, Heron &
Douglas, Heron, &      -----      Dr Jonathan Chappell
Dr Joseph Reddington      -----      Duff of Braco
Duff of Cubbin      -----      Dumbarton Waterworks Commissioners
Dumbartonshire Road Trustees      -----      Dunlop v Jap,
Dunlop v. Johnston      -----      Dynamco v Holland,
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E & J      -----      Earl of Errol v Mouat.
Earl of Errol v N.      -----      Earl of Selkirk v John Dalrymple of Stair. [1756] 5
Earl of Selkirk v John Dalrymple of Stair. [1756] Mor      -----      Edinburgh Parish Council v. Leith
Edinburgh Parish Council v. Local      -----      Elizabeth and Mary
Elizabeth Anderson v      -----      ENERGIEKONTUR UK LTD
ENGENDA GROUP LTD      -----      EZ v The
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F & Anor      -----      Ferguson and Others
Ferguson and others      -----      Finlayson's Wife v
Finn & Ors,      -----      Forbes v Countess
Forbes v Debtors      -----      Fowlis v Forbesses.
Fowlis v Gilmours.      -----      Freeholders of Lanark v Hamilton.
Freeholders of Lanark v Hamilton      -----      FZ, Re Judicial
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G & Anor      -----      Gaunt's Executors v.
Gavin v. Arrol      -----      George Gordon v
George Gordon, Marquess      -----      Gerrard & Anor
Gerrard, Re Orders      -----      Gilmor v Gilmor.
Gilmoub and Others      -----      Global Resources Group
Global Sata FE      -----      Gordon of Fechil
Gordon of Gartie      -----      GRAHAM GORDON FOR
Graham v Gordons      -----      Grant's Executors v
Grant's Trustees v.      -----      Grieve v John
Grieve v. Kilmarnock      -----      Gyle Shopping Centre
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H & H      -----      Hamilton v Dumfries
Hamilton v. Dumfries      -----      Harkins, Inquiry Held
Harkness v. Harkness.      -----      Hay v. Paterson
Hay v. Rafferty      -----      Henderson v Knockhall.
Henderson v Knockhill.      -----      HER MAJESTY'S ADVOCATE, APPEAL AGAINST
HER MAJESTY'S ADVOCATE, APPEAL BY      -----      Hewage v Grampian
Hewat v. Grand      -----      HM Advocate v
H.M. Advocate v.      -----      Hood v. Hood
Hood v Martin's      -----      Hugh Mitchel of
Hugh M'kay v      -----      Hutchison Or McAdam
Hutchison Petitioner [1881]      -----      Hyslop v. Staig.
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I (a child),      -----      Inland Revenue v. Lord
Inland Revenue v. Maclachlan      -----      Inspector of Poor of Govan
Inspector of Poor of Kinglassie      -----      IVOSKEVICIUS , APPEALS
IW v A      -----      IYANU ADEBAYO AGAINST
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J & A      -----      James Barron v
James Bartholomew v      -----      James Erskine v
James Euart v      -----      James Macdowall v
James Macharg v      -----      James Smith of
James Smith v      -----      Janet Ker v
Janet Kid v      -----      Jean Weems and
Jean White v      -----      John Blount v
John Bogle of      -----      John Ferguson of
John Fergusson Tidewaiter      -----      John Jolly Merchant
John Jolly v      -----      John Newlands and
JOHN NEWLANDS v.      -----      John Vere-Kennedy, Supplicant,
John Vining Heron      -----      Johnstoun v Johnstoun.
Johnstoun of Sheins      -----      JYZ, Re Judicial
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K. Advocate v      -----      Kelly v. Merry
Kelly v Murphy      -----      Kerr v Crichton,(or
Kerr v. Darroch      -----      King's Advocate v Ld.
King's Advocate v Lundie.      -----      Kural, Re Judicial
Kuriakose & Anor,      -----      KYLE, SECTION 74
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L. Affleck v      -----      La. Dumfermling v
La. Dunlop v      -----      Lady Kinloch v
Lady Kinminity v      -----      Laird of Caprington v Geddew.
Laird of Caprington v Hamilton.      -----      Lang and Husband
Lang Bros v      -----      Ld. Muckhall v
Ld of Cauder      -----      Lewis' Trustees v.
Leyes v Forbes.      -----      Littlejohn v Littlejohn.
Littlejohn v. Stiven      -----      Logan (Sproat's Judicial
Logan v Strathclyde      -----      Lord Camelford's Trustees
Lord Caprington v      -----      Lord Monteith v
Lord Montgomery v      -----      Low v Beatson. [1738]
Low v Beatson. [1739]      -----      Lysons, &c. v.
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M AGAINST A      -----      Macghie v Tinkler. [1776] Mor 27_5
Macghie v Tinkler. [1776] Mor 11112      -----      Mackie v. Mackie [1896]
Mackie v. Mackie and      -----      Macrae v. Sutherland
Macrae v. The      -----      Mair v Ballantine.
Mair v. Payne      -----      Margaret Blair v
Margaret Bogle v      -----      Marjoribanks v Mellerstains.
Marjoribanks v Trotter.      -----      Martin v Murray
Martin or Lees      -----      Matthews v. Auld
Matthews Duncan's Trustees      -----      M'Carroll v. Kerr
M'Carroll v. M'Kinstery      -----      MCGREGOR GLAZING Ltd
MCGREGOR GLAZING LTD      -----      McTeer & Ors
M'Cuaig v. M'Cuaig      -----      Melville v Montgomery.
Melville v. Noble's      -----      M'Gilp v. Caledonian
M'Gilvray v. Bernfield      -----      Miller v Sabre
Miller, Schoolmaster of      -----      Miss K. Maitland
Miss Kathryn Bontoft      -----      M'Kinlay v. Wilson
M'Kinnie and Others      -----      M'Naught v. Milligan
M'Naughtan v Magistrates      -----      Moodie and Others,
Moodie v Baikie.      -----      Mountwest 838 Ltd
Moutray v Hope.      -----      Mr Allan McLeod and Scottish Prison Service [2007]
Mr Allan McLeod and Scottish Prison Service [2009]      -----      Mr Charles Cochran, Patron of the Parish of Culross. [1748] 1
Mr Charles Cochran, Patron of the Parish of Culross. [1748] 2      -----      Mr Derek Jackson
Mr Derek McPherson      -----      Mr Gordon Beurskens
Mr Gordon C      -----      Mr James Henderson
Mr. James Hill,      -----      Mr John Robertson and Aberdeen
Mr John Robertson and Audit      -----      Mr Martin Wilson and Greater
Mr Martin Wilson and North      -----      Mr Paul Hutcheon and Scottish Enterprise
Mr Paul Hutcheon and Scottish Environment      -----      Mr Robert Keith
Mr Robert Kidd      -----      Mr Thomas Robertson v The Earl
Mr Thomas Robertson v The Laird      -----      Mr X and City
Mr X and Crown      -----      Mrs Henrietta Ker
Mrs. Hewat v      -----      Ms I and
MS is not      -----      Muir v. More
Muir v Muir.      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1623] Mor 10599
Multiple cases with citation: [1623] Mor 11593      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1629] 1 Brn 289
Multiple cases with citation: [1629] 1 Brn 290      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1649] 1 Brn 410
Multiple cases with citation: [1649] 1 Brn 411      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1669]
Multiple cases with citation: [1670]      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1675] Mor 3150
Multiple cases with citation: [1675] Mor 6756      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1681] 3 Brn 410
Multiple cases with citation: [1681] 3 Brn 411      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1687] 3 Brn 606
Multiple cases with citation: [1687] 3 Brn 608      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1694] 4 Brn 217
Multiple cases with citation: [1694] 4 Brn 218      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1710] 5 Brn 61
Multiple cases with citation: [1710] 5 Brn 63      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1738] Mor 16115
Multiple cases with citation: [1738] Mor 16899      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1745] 2 Elchies 51
Multiple cases with citation: [1745] 2 Elchies 354      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1756] 5 Brn 843
Multiple cases with citation: [1756] 5 Brn 846      -----      Murdoch v Dick.
Murdoch v. Honeyman      -----      Mushtaq, Re Judicial
Mushtaq v. Secretary      -----      Myles (Lipman &
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N. Cockburn v      -----      N.D.M.C. v. HER MAJESTY'S ADVOCATE [2014] ScotHC
N.D.M.C. v. HER MAJESTY'S ADVOCATE [2014] ScotHJ      -----      Nicolson v Monro.
Nicolson v Morison.      -----      NORTHERN HYDROSEEDING LIMITED
Northern Hydroseeding Ltd      -----      NYAMAYARO, (FIRST) NATASHA
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P & O      -----      Paterson v Laird of Forret.
Paterson v Laird of Grange.      -----      Patrick Strain and
Patrick Syme v      -----      PERSIMMON HOMES +
PERSIMMON HOMES LIMITED      -----      Petition of James Robert
Petition of James Walker      -----      Pittenweem Election Process.
Pittillo v Forester.      -----      Pride v Thomson;
Primary Health Care      -----      Provost John Bucknay,
Provost, Magistrates, and      -----      PZ, in the
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q and Aberdeen      -----      Qutub Trading DMCC
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. & C.      -----      Rankine and Others
Rankine v Andrew      -----      Reid v. Coyle
Reid v DB      -----      Richard John Lambton
Richard Johnston of      -----      Robert Armour v Doctor
Robert Armour v John      -----      Robert Ker of
Robert Kerr v      -----      Robertson v Ainslie's
Robertson v Alisons.      -----      Robson v HM Adv
Robson v HM Advocate      -----      Ross of Pitcalny v Ross of Ballnagowan.
Ross of Pitcalny v Ross of Balnagowan.      -----      Russell v. Macknight's
Russell v. M'Cluskey      -----      RYSMANOWSKI, NOTE OF
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S & M      -----      Scarlet [or Tarbet]
Scarlet v Paterson.      -----      Scott of Brotherton and
Scott of Brotherton v      -----      Scottish Sea Farms
Scottish Secondary Teachers'      -----      SF v Quarriers
SG & MR      -----      SHEVELEU, APPEAL FROM
Shevlin v. Her      -----      Sinclair of Freswick v Groat of Wares. [1738] 1
Sinclair of Freswick v Groat of Wares. [1738] Mor      -----      Sir Daniel Carmichael
Sir David Baird      -----      Sir John Baird v Creditors
Sir John Baird v The      -----      Sir Patrick Home
Sir Patrick Hume      -----      Sir William Gordon of Gordonstone
Sir William Gordon of Lesmore      -----      Smith & Son
Smith & Sons      -----      Sneddon v. Renfrewshire
Sneddon v. Robert      -----      Special Case - Dunlop or Ross and Others [1877]
Special Case - Dunlop or Ross and Others [1878]      -----      Spence v Caves.
Spence v Creditors      -----      STEPHEN HOUSE, QPM,
STEPHEN HOUSE QPM,      -----      Stewart v. Doull
Stewart v. Dublin      -----      Stirling v White
Stirlings, v Black.      -----      Stuart v Telecom
Stuart v The      -----      Symon v Macdonald.
Symons (M'Millan's Trustee)      -----      SZ, Re Judicial
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T & G      -----      Templeton v. Glasgow
Templeton v Templeton.      -----      The Applicant and Fife Council [2021] ScotIC 131_2021
The Applicant and Fife Council [2021] ScotIC 151_2021      -----      The Applicant and Wheatley
The Applicant and Williamsburgh      -----      The Corporation of Master-Shoemakers
The Corporation of Shoemakers      -----      The Duke of Gordon and Carmichael
The Duke of Gordon and Others      -----      The Earl of Murray
The Earl of Nidsdale      -----      The Heirs of Strachan
The Heirs of Tennent      -----      The Laird of Barns
The Laird of Bassindean      -----      The Lord Advocate v. Stirling
The Lord Advocate v. The      -----      The Newcastle Chemical
The Newport Railway      -----      The Secretary of
The Seville Sulphur      -----      Theodore Morison of
Thew & Co.      -----      Thomas Marshall v
Thomas Maule, Esq.      -----      Thomson v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2007]
Thomson v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2009]      -----      Toni Tyres, Ltd
Trustee for Rae's      -----      Tyzack & Branfoot
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
UAZ & AJB,      -----      UZMA NAZ AHMED
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
v [1600] 5      -----      Voudouri & Anor
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W. & J.      -----      Wallwood, Colvil, and
Walpole and Alison      -----      Watson v Orr,
Watson v. Procurator      -----      Wemyss Coal Co.
Wemyss Coal Co.,      -----      Wightman v Seton
Wighton or Smith      -----      William Duff v
WILLIAM DUFF v.      -----      William Macculloch v
William Macdowal v      -----      William Walwood v
WILLIAM WARWICK v.      -----      Wilson (Surveyor of
Wilson v The      -----      Wright v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2003]
Wright v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2005]      -----      Wyse (Abbott's Trustee),
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X AGAINST A,      -----      XY v The
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y and others      -----      YZ (AP) v
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z and Scottish      -----      ZY (AP) v The Advocate General for Scotland [2016] ScotCS CSOH_173 (13 December 2016)

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