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United Kingdom Legislation

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Items beginning with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A Charter of Act 1337 (c. 0)      -----      Act of Sederunt (Sheriff Court Ordinary Cause Rules Amendment)
Act of Sederunt (Sheriff Court Ordinary Cause Rules Amendment      -----      Armed Forces Act 1966
Armed Forces Act 1971      -----      Aviation Security Act
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
Backing of Warrants      -----      Business Tenancies (Northern
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
Cable and Broadcasting      -----      Coal Consumers' Councils
Coal Industry Act      -----      Copyright, etc. and
Copyright (Visually Impaired      -----      Cyprus Act 1960
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
Damages Act 1996      -----      Durham County Palatine
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
Early Parliamentary General      -----      European Communities (Amendment) Act 1998
European Communities (Amendment) Act 2002      -----      Extradition (Provisional Arrest)
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
Factories Act 1937      -----      Foreign Marriage Act 1892
Foreign Marriage Act 1947      -----      Further Education and
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
Gambia Independence Act      -----      Guyana Republic Act
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
Habeas Corpus Act      -----      Hypothec Amendment (Scotland)
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
Identity and Language      -----      Ivory Act 2018
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
Jamaica Independence Act      -----      Justices Protection Act
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
Kenya Independence Act      -----      Knowsley Industrial Park
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
Land Acquisition and      -----      Local Government etc.
Local Government Finance      -----      Lyon King of
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M4/Newport-Shrewsbury Trunk Road      -----      Motor Vehicles (Compulsory
Motor Vehicles (Driving      -----      Mutuals' Deferred Shares
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
Namibia Act 1991      -----      Nursing Homes Registration
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
Oaths Act 1775      -----      Oyster Fisheries (Scotland)
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
Pakistan Act 1990      -----      Presumption of Death Act
Presumption of Death (Scotland)      -----      Punishment of Offences
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Quality Partnership Schemes      -----      Quia Emptores Act
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
Race Relations Act      -----      Rules Publication (Northern
Runrig Lands Act      -----      Rural Water Supplies
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
Sacrament Act 1547      -----      Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act
Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) (Amendment)      -----      Synodical Government (Special
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
Taking of Hostages      -----      The A1 Trunk Road (Duns Road Junction
The A1 Trunk Road (Duns Road to      -----      The A1 Trunk Road (Stotfold
The A1 Trunk Road (Stretton,      -----      The A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) and the A194(M) Motorway (Havannah to Birtley) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) (No.2)
The A1(M) Motorway (Junction 63 to Junction 65) and the A194(M) Motorway (Havannah to Birtley) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order      -----      The A3(M) Motorway (Junction
The A3(M) Motorway (Junctions      -----      The A5 Trunk Road (Telford,
The A5 Trunk Road (Towcester      -----      The A12 Trunk Road (Junction
The A12 Trunk Road (Kelvedon      -----      The A14 Trunk Road (Stowmarket
The A14 Trunk Road (Stowupland,      -----      The A21 Trunk Road (Morleys
The A21 Trunk Road (Morley’s      -----      The A27 Trunk Road (Stockbridge
The A27 Trunk Road (Sussex      -----      The A34 Trunk Road (Bullington Cross
The A34 Trunk Road (Bullington Cross,      -----      The A38 Trunk Road (Dobwalls Bypass, Cornwall) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2013
The A38 Trunk Road (Dobwalls Bypass, Cornwall) (Temporary Restriction and Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2014      -----      The A41 Trunk Road (Camden)
The A41 Trunk Road (Chester      -----      The A46 Trunk Road (Carholme
The A46 Trunk Road (Cold      -----      The A49 Trunk Road (Holmer Road, Hereford) (Service
The A49 Trunk Road (Holmer Road, Hereford) (Temporary      -----      The A61 Trunk Road (Alfreton
The A61 Trunk Road and      -----      The A66 Trunk Road (East Mellwaters
The A66 Trunk Road (East of      -----      The A205 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route Experimental (Banned
The A205 Trunk Road (Greenwich) Red Route Experimental Traffic      -----      The A303 Trunk Road (Wiremead
The A303 Trunk Road (Wylye      -----      The A449 Trunk Road (Coven,
The A449 Trunk Road (Dudley,      -----      The A590 Trunk Road (Meathop
The A590 Trunk Road (Mill      -----      The Abolition of Domestic Rates (Domestic
The Abolition of Domestic Rates Etc.      -----      The Admiralty Jurisdiction (St.
The Admiralty Jurisdiction (Turks      -----      The Agricultural Holdings (Units of Production) (England) Order 2011
The Agricultural Holdings (Units of Production) (England) Order 2012      -----      The Air Navigation (Noise Certification) Order 1987
The Air Navigation (Noise Certification) Order 1990      -----      The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (COP26) (Amendment)
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (COP26) Regulations      -----      The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Helicopter Flight) (No. 5) Regulations
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Helicopter Flight) (No. 5) (Revocation)      -----      The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Music Festivals) (Amendment)
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Music Festivals) (No.      -----      The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Royal International
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Royal Liverpool      -----      The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Virginia
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Visit      -----      The Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) and Persons Subject
The Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) and Persons subject      -----      The Animals and Animal Products (Import and Export) (England) Regulations 2005
The Animals and Animal Products (Import and Export) (England) Regulations 2006      -----      The Architects (Fees,
The Architects (Professional      -----      The Arnot St
The Arrangements for      -----      The Atomic Weapons Establishment Blacknest
The Atomic Weapons Establishment (Designation      -----      The Banking Act 2009 (Bank Administration) (Modification for Application to Banks
The Banking Act 2009 (Bank Administration) (Modification for Application to Multiple      -----      The Betting, Gaming
The Betting Levy      -----      The Borough of Bracknell
The Borough of Brentwood      -----      The Branded Health Service Medicines (Costs) (Amendment) (No.
The Branded Health Service Medicines (Costs) (Amendment) Regulations      -----      The Broadcasting Act
The Broadcasting (Amendment)      -----      The Building Societies Act 1986 (Amendment
The Building Societies Act 1986 (Commencement      -----      The Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 (Commencement No.
The Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 (Commencement No.2)      -----      The Cardiff Bay Development Corporation (Area and Constitution) Order 1987 No. 646
The Cardiff Bay Development Corporation (Area and Constitution) Order 1987 No. 646      -----      The Cattewater (Pilotage)
The Cattle Compensation      -----      The Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Nomination)
The Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Planning      -----      The Chief Regulator
The Child Abduction      -----      The Child Support
The Child Tax      -----      The Children (Short-term
The Children´s Centres      -----      The Civil Aviation (Canadian Navigation Services) (Fifth
The Civil Aviation (Canadian Navigation Services) (Fourth      -----      The Civil Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) Regulations 1990
The Civil Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) Regulations 1991      -----      The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2023
The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2024      -----      The Coast Protection (Variation of Excluded Waters) Regulations 1993
The Coast Protection (Variation of Excluded Waters) Regulations 1997      -----      The Commission for Health Improvement (Functions) Amendment
The Commission for Health Improvement (Functions) Regulations      -----      The Community Bus (Amendment) Regulations 2005
The Community Bus (Amendment) Regulations 2007      -----      The Companies Act 1985 (Power
The Companies Act 1985 (Small      -----      The Competition Act 1998 (Land Agreements
The Competition Act 1998 (Land and      -----      The Consular Relations (Merchant Shipping and Civil Aviation) (Hungarian
The Consular Relations (Merchant Shipping and Civil Aviation) (People's      -----      The Contracting-out (Widowers'
The Contracts (Applicable      -----      The Copyright (Certification of Licensing Scheme for Educational Recording of Broadcasts and Cable Programmes) (Educational Recording Agency Limited) (Amendment)
The Copyright (Certification of Licensing Scheme for Educational Recording of Broadcasts and Cable Programmes) (Educational Recording Agency Limited) Order      -----      The Cosmetic Products (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1994
The Cosmetic Products (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1996      -----      The Counter-Terrorism and Border
The Counter-Terrorism and Security      -----      The Court Fees (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2019
The Court Fees (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2020      -----      The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Commencement No. 5)
The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Commencement No. 6)      -----      The Criminal Justice Act 1988(Confiscation
The Criminal Justice Act 1988(Crown      -----      The Criminal Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015
The Criminal Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2020      -----      The Cultural Test (Television Programmes) (Amendment) Regulations 2015
The Cultural Test (Television Programmes) (Amendment) Regulations 2017      -----      The Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations 1989
The Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations 1991      -----      The Delivery of
The Democratic People's      -----      The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (England) Order 2000
The Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (England) Order 2003      -----      The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Taxis)
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Taxis)(Carrying      -----      The District of Derbyshire
The District of Derwentside      -----      The Doncaster Royal
The Doncaster West      -----      The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (The Gambia)
The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (The Hashemite      -----      The East Anglia THREE Offshore Wind Farm (Correction)
The East Anglia THREE Offshore Wind Farm Order      -----      The EC/Swiss Air
The Eden Valley      -----      The Education (Company
The Education (Co-ordination      -----      The Education (Grants) (Music, Ballet and Choir Schools) (Amendment)
The Education (Grants) (Music, Ballet and Choir Schools) Regulations      -----      The Education (Mandatory Awards) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
The Education (Mandatory Awards) (Amendment) Regulations 2002      -----      The Education (Parent Governor Representatives) Regulations
The Education (Parent Governor Representatives) (Wales)      -----      The Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 1997
The Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 1999      -----      The Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
The Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations 2014      -----      The Electricity Act
The Electricity (Amendment      -----      The Electronic Commerce Directive (Financial Services and Markets) (Amendment) Regulations 2002
The Electronic Commerce Directive (Financial Services and Markets) (Amendment) Regulations 2004      -----      The Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2019
The Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2020      -----      The Enterprise Act 2002 (Enforcement Undertakings
The Enterprise Act 2002 (Enforcement Undertakings)      -----      The Environmental Protection (Determination
The Environmental Protection (Disposal      -----      The Equal Pay Act
The Equal Pay (Amendment)      -----      The European Communities (Designation) (No. 2) Order 1992
The European Communities (Designation) (No. 2) Order 1994      -----      The European Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Regulations 1997
The European Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Regulations 2009      -----      The Exchange Gains
The Exchange of      -----      The Export of Goods (Control) (Amendment No. 5) Order 1989
The Export of Goods (Control) (Amendment No. 5) Order 1990      -----      The Family Law Reform Act 1969 (Commencement No. 1)
The Family Law Reform Act 1969 (Commencement No. 2)      -----      The Feeding Stuffs (Application
The Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement)      -----      The Finance Act 2006, Section 53(1)
The Finance Act 2006, Section 53(2)      -----      The Financial Services Act 1986 (Commencement) (No.
The Financial Services Act 1986 (Commencement) (No.6)      -----      The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Over
The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Overseas      -----      The Fire Services (Notification
The Fire Services (Pensionable      -----      The Fixed Penalty (Procedure) (Amendment)
The Fixed Penalty (Procedure) Regulations      -----      The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (England) (No.
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (England) (No.2)      -----      The Football Spectators (2014 World Cup Control Period) (Amendment)
The Football Spectators (2014 World Cup Control Period) Order      -----      The Freedom of Information (Additional
The Freedom of Information and      -----      The Gambling Act 2005 (Advertising of Foreign Gambling) (Amendment)
The Gambling Act 2005 (Advertising of Foreign Gambling) Regulations      -----      The Gas Act 1986 (Exemptions) (No. 4) (Amendment) Order 1999
The Gas Act 1986 (Exemptions) (No. 4) (Amendment) Order 2000      -----      The General Medical Council (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order of Council 2017
The General Medical Council (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order of Council 2024      -----      The GLA Side Roads (London Borough of Ealing)
The GLA Side Roads (London Borough of Enfield)      -----      The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Estimates and Accounts) Order 2013
The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Estimates and Accounts) Order 2014      -----      The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) (No.
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) Order      -----      The Halton Primary
The Hambleton and      -----      The Health and Safety (Training for Employment) (Amendment)
The Health and Safety (Training for Employment) Regulations      -----      The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) (Amendment) (No. 13)
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) (Amendment) (No. 14)      -----      The Hertfordshire (Coroners' Districts) (Amendment)
The Hertfordshire (Coroners' Districts) Order      -----      The Home Guard
The Home Information      -----      The Housing Act 2004 (Commencement No. 9)
The Housing Act 2004 (Commencement No. 10)      -----      The Housing (Deferred
The Housing (Disapplication      -----      The Housing Support
The Housing (Tenancy      -----      The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Commencement No. 1)
The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Commencement No. 2      -----      The Immigration (Leave to Enter and Remain) (Amendment) Order 2013
The Immigration (Leave to Enter and Remain) (Amendment) Order 2015      -----      The Income Support (General) Amendment No. 4 Regulations 1988
The Income Support (General) Amendment No. 4 Regulations 1991      -----      The Income Tax (Interest Relief) (Housing Associations) (No. 3) Regulations 1987 No. 404
The Income Tax (Interest Relief) (Housing Associations) (No. 3) Regulations 1987 No. 404      -----      The Independent Review of Determinations (Adoption
The Independent Review of Determinations (Adoption)      -----      The Industrial Tribunals Extension of Jurisdiction (England
The Industrial Tribunals Extension of Jurisdiction (Scotland)      -----      The Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 (Consequential
The Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 No.      -----      The Insurance Companies (Taxation of Reinsurance Business) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2003
The Insurance Companies (Taxation of Reinsurance Business) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2004      -----      The International Organization for Marine
The International Organization for Migration      -----      The Iron Casting
The Irvine (Pilotage      -----      The Jurisdiction and
The Jurisdiction, Judgments      -----      The Land Registration Act 1988
The Land Registration Act 1997      -----      The Lawrence Sheriff
The Lay Representatives      -----      The Legal Aid in Criminal and Care Proceedings (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2000
The Legal Aid in Criminal and Care Proceedings (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2001      -----      The Leicestershire Mental Health Service and
The Leicestershire Mental Health Service National      -----      The Lincolnshire South
The Liquid and      -----      The Local Authorities (Capital Finance,
The Local Authorities (Capital Finance)      -----      The Local Authority (Duty to Secure Early Years Provision Free of Charge) Regulations 2013
The Local Authority (Duty to Secure Early Years Provision Free of Charge) Regulations 2014      -----      The Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemption) (Wales) (No.
The Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemption) (Wales) Order      -----      The Local Government (Direct Labour Organisations) (Competition) (Exemption) (England) Regulations 1992
The Local Government (Direct Labour Organisations) (Competition) (Exemption) (England) Regulations 1994      -----      The Local Government Reorganisation (Compensation) Regulations
The Local Government Reorganisation (Compensation) (West      -----      The Localism Act 2011 (Commencement No. 1 and Transitional Provisions) Order 2011 No. 2896 (C. 103)
The Localism Act 2011 (Commencement No. 1 and Transitional Provisions) Order 2011 No. 2896 (C. 103)      -----      The London Transport (Alteration
The London Transport (Compensation      -----      The M1 Motorway (Junction 6, Southbound Entry
The M1 Motorway (Junction 6, Southbound Exit      -----      The M1 Motorway (Junctions 18 to 19) (Temporary Prohibition
The M1 Motorway (Junctions 18 to 19) (Temporary Restriction      -----      The M4 Motorway (Junction 15 Eastbound
The M4 Motorway (Junction 15 Westbound      -----      The M5 Motorway (Junction 18
The M5 Motorway (Junction 18)      -----      The M6 Motorway (Junction 4)
The M6 Motorway (Junction 4,      -----      The M6 Motorway (Junctions 33-32 Southbound Carriageway) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2013
The M6 Motorway (Junctions 33-32 Southbound Carriageway) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2014      -----      The M20 Motorway and the A20 Trunk Road (Junction
The M20 Motorway and the A20 Trunk Road (Junctions      -----      The M25 Motorway, the M3 Motorway and the A30
The M25 Motorway, the M3 Motorway and the A316      -----      The M42 Motorway (Junction 9,
The M42 Motorway (Junction 9)      -----      The M56 Motorway (Junctions 4-8
The M56 Motorway (Junctions 6      -----      The M62 Motorway (Junction 32 to Junction 32a)
The M62 Motorway (Junction 32 to Junction 33)      -----      The M621 Motorway (Speed Limit) (Amendment)
The M621 Motorway (Speed Limit) Regulations      -----      The Manchester College
The Manchester (Electoral      -----      The Measuring Instruments (EEC Requirements) (Amendment)
The Measuring Instruments (EEC Requirements) (Fees)      -----      The Medicines for Human Use and Medical Devices (Fees Amendments)
The Medicines for Human Use and Medical Devices (Fees and      -----      The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Appropriate
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Commencement      -----      The Merchant Shipping (Distress Signals and Prevention of Collisions) (Guernsey) (Amendment)
The Merchant Shipping (Distress Signals and Prevention of Collisions) (Guernsey) Order      -----      The Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) (Amendment
The Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) (Amendment)      -----      The Mesothelioma Lump Sum Payments (Conditions and Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
The Mesothelioma Lump Sum Payments (Conditions and Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2011      -----      The Ministry of Defence Police (Conduct)
The Ministry of Defence Police (Performance)      -----      The Morriston Hospital National Health Service Trust (Transfer of Trust Property) (No.
The Morriston Hospital National Health Service Trust (Transfer of Trust Property) Order      -----      The Motor Vehicles (EC Type Approval) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2002
The Motor Vehicles (EC Type Approval) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2003      -----      The Mutual Recognition of Driving
The Mutual Recognition of Protection      -----      The National Health Service Bodies
The National Health Service (Charges)      -----      The National Health Service (Functions of Health Authorities)
The National Health Service (Functions of Health Authorities      -----      The National Health Service (Ophthalmic
The National Health Service (Optical      -----      The National Health Service (Service Committees and Tribunal) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1991
The National Health Service (Service Committees and Tribunal) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1994      -----      The National Lottery (Licence
The National Lottery Regulations      -----      The Naval, Military and Air Forces etc. (Disablement and Death) Service Pensions Amendment Order 1995
The Naval, Military and Air Forces etc. (Disablement and Death) Service Pensions Amendment Order 1996      -----      The NHS Counter
The NHS Direct      -----      The Non-“Domestic Rating
The Non-Domestic Rating      -----      The North Killingholme (Generating
The North Killingholme Haven      -----      The Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections) (Amendment) Order 2009
The Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections) (Amendment) Order 2010      -----      The Nuclear Safeguards (Fissionable
The Nuclear Safeguards (Guernsey)      -----      The Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1991
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2000      -----      The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 2) Order 1997
The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 2) Order 1998      -----      The Oil and Gas Authority (Fees)
The Oil and Gas Authority (Levy      -----      The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals National Health Service Trust (Transfer
The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals National Health Service Trust (Trust      -----      The Partnerships (Unrestricted Size) No. 11 Regulations 1994
The Partnerships (Unrestricted Size) No. 11 Regulations 1996      -----      The Pension Protection Fund and Occupational Pension Schemes (Levy Ceiling) Order 2022
The Pension Protection Fund and Occupational Pension Schemes (Levy Ceiling) Order 2023      -----      The Pensions Increase (Federated Superannuation Scheme for Nurses and Hospital Officers) (Civil Service) (Amendment) Regulations 1973
The Pensions Increase (Federated Superannuation Scheme for Nurses and Hospital Officers) (Civil Service) (Amendment) Regulations 1984      -----      The Personal Injuries (Civilians) Amendment Scheme 1995
The Personal Injuries (Civilians) Amendment Scheme 1996      -----      The Pharmacy Order 2010 No.
The Pharmacy Order 2010 (Registration      -----      The Plant Health (Export
The Plant Health (Fees)      -----      The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Amendment) Regulations 2007
The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Amendment) Regulations 2008      -----      The Police Authorities (Lay
The Police Authorities (Model      -----      The Police (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 1987
The Police (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 1992      -----      The Postal Packets (Customs
The Postal Packets (Miscellaneous      -----      The Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1984 (Continuance) Order 1987
The Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1984 (Continuance) Order 1988      -----      The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Application of Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984)
The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Application of Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984      -----      The Prostitution (Public
The Protected Disclosures      -----      The Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) (Amendment) Order 2017
The Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons) (Amendment) Order 2018      -----      The Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007
The Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2008      -----      The Public Telecommunication System Designation (Sonic
The Public Telecommunication System Designation (South      -----      The Radioactive Contaminated Land (Modification of Enactments) (England)
The Radioactive Contaminated Land (Modification of Enactments) (Wales)      -----      The Rampion Offshore
The Rampton Hospital      -----      The Referral Fees
The Referral of      -----      The Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees) (Scotland) Order 1990
The Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees) (Scotland) Order 1991      -----      The Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (Amendment) (No.
The Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (Amendment) Regulations      -----      The Representation of the People (Scotland)
The Representation of the People (Supply      -----      The Revenue and
The Revenue Appeals      -----      The Road Traffic Offenders (Prescribed Devices) (No.
The Road Traffic Offenders (Prescribed Devices) Order      -----      The Road User Charging Schemes (Penalty Charges, Adjudication and Enforcement) (England) (Amendment)
The Road User Charging Schemes (Penalty Charges, Adjudication and Enforcement) (England) Regulations      -----      The Rodbaston College,
The Roll-over Protective      -----      The Rural Development and
The Rural Development (Enforcement)      -----      The Satellite Television
The Saundersfoot Harbour      -----      The Scotland Act 1998 (Agency Arrangements) (Specification) Order 2003
The Scotland Act 1998 (Agency Arrangements) (Specification) Order 2006      -----      The Sea Fish Licensing (Time
The Sea Fish Licensing (Variation)      -----      The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Amendment) Regulations 2004
The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Amendment) Regulations 2007      -----      The Shared Parental Leave and Leave
The Shared Parental Leave and Paternity      -----      The Smoke Control Areas (Authorised Fuels) (England) (Amendment)
The Smoke Control Areas (Authorised Fuels) (England) (No.      -----      The Social Security Administration (Fraud) Act 1997 (Commencement No. 1)
The Social Security Administration (Fraud) Act 1997 (Commencement No. 2)      -----      The Social Security
The Social Security,      -----      The Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations 2013
The Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations 2014      -----      The Social Security (Housing
The Social Security (Iceland,      -----      The Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments)(No.2)
The Social Security (Miscellaneous and      -----      The Social Security (Widow's Benefit and Retirement Pensions) Amendment Regulations 1993
The Social Security (Widow's Benefit and Retirement Pensions) Amendment Regulations 1995      -----      The South Warwickshire Combined
The South Warwickshire General      -----      The Specified Bovine Material
The Specified Bovine Offal      -----      The Stamp Duty Land Tax (Administration) (Amendment) Regulations 2005
The Stamp Duty Land Tax (Administration) (Amendment) Regulations 2006      -----      The Statutory Paternity Pay (Amendment)
The Statutory Paternity Pay and      -----      The Submarine Pipe-lines (Designated Owners) (No. 17)
The Submarine Pipe-lines (Designated Owners) (No. 18)      -----      The Supplementary Benefit (Requirements)
The Supplementary Benefit (Requirements      -----      The Tax Avoidance Schemes (Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2005
The Tax Avoidance Schemes (Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2006      -----      The Taxes (Base
The Taxes (Definition      -----      The Telecommunications (Open Network Provision
The Telecommunications (Open Network Provision)      -----      The Timeshare Act
The Timeshare (Amendment)      -----      The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Scotland) Amendment
The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Scotland) Regulations      -----      The Trade Descriptions
The Trade Effluent      -----      The Traffic Management
The Traffic Orders      -----      The Transport Act 1985 (Commencement No. 1)
The Transport Act 1985 (Commencement No. 2)      -----      The Trustee Investments (Additional Powers) Order 1982
The Trustee Investments (Additional Powers) Order 1983      -----      The United Nations (International Tribunal) (Rwanda) (Amendment)
The United Nations (International Tribunal) (Rwanda) Order      -----      The Value Added Tax (Administration,
The Value Added Tax (Amendment)      -----      The Value Added Tax (Increase of Registration Limits) Order 1992
The Value Added Tax (Increase of Registration Limits) Order 1993      -----      The Value Added Tax Tribunals
The Value Added Tax (Valuation      -----      The Visiting Forces (Designation) (Colonies) (Amendment) Order 1958
The Visiting Forces (Designation) (Colonies) (Amendment) Order 1967      -----      The Water and Sewerage Services
The Water and Sewerage Undertakers      -----      The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006
The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2007      -----      The West of Maidenhead-“Oxford
The West of Scotland      -----      The Wireless Telegraphy (Control of Interference from Citizens' Band Radio Apparatus) (Amendment)
The Wireless Telegraphy (Control of Interference from Citizens' Band Radio Apparatus) Regulations      -----      The Worcestershire Community and
The Worcestershire Community Healthcare      -----      The Zootechnical Standards (England) Regulations 2012
The Zootechnical Standards (England) Regulations 2018      -----      Tweed Fisheries Amendment
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
Udal Tenure Act      -----      Utilities Act 2000
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
Vacancies in Sees      -----      Voyeurism (Offences) Act
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
Wages Act 1986      -----      Writs Registration (Scotland)
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Yelverton's Act 1781      -----      Youth Justice and
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Zambia Independence Act      -----      Zoological Society of London (Leases) Act 2024 CHAPTER 20

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